Resetting Thrive Theme Builder

In case you want to start over with the process of creating and customizing your Thrive Theme Builder theme, depending on the outcome you want, there are a few ways in which this can be done:

  • Restarting the Site Wizard will let you reset it and go back to the first step to choose a different logo, brand color, header, footer, etc.
  • Creating a new theme from scratch and activating it will let you delete the old ones, and thus you will be able to create and use a new one from scratch;
  • Contacting our support team so that they can do a full reset on your Thrive Theme Builder theme.

Restart the Wizard

In case you are only looking for a way to start over with the basic customization elements of the theme, but you want to keep your templates, for example, you can do so by accessing the Site Wizard and restarting it.

For that, in your Thrive Theme Builder dashboard, go to the left sidebar and click on the “Site Wizard” section:

Scroll down to the end of the wizard, and you will see the “Restart the Wizard” option. Click on it:

This will let you start off with a clean slate, and you will be able to go through each step again and re-design your theme:

And you can follow this guide if you need help with going through the steps of the Thrive Theme Builder wizard.

Add a new theme and remove the other ones

If you want to reset your entire theme, not just the wizard, the way to do that is to remove all of your existing themes and create a new one from scratch.

However, you will not be able to remove your active theme unless you make another theme your active one first.

Here are the steps to start designing a new theme from scratch:

1. Access the “Themes” section

For your Thrive Theme Builder dashboard, go to “Themes”, from the left sidebar:

You will then be taken to the section with all of the Thrive Theme Builder themes that you have downloaded:

2. Remove the inactive themes

You can only remove the themes that are not active. If you have multiple themes, as seen in the image above, you are able to remove all of the inactive ones, but not the active one.

To delete a theme, simply hover over it and click on the three dots icon:

A small sub-menu opens, and you will have the “Delete” option in that list. Click on it:

And a pop-up will open, to confirm that you’re sure you want to remove the theme. Click on “Delete theme” to continue:

You can remove all the inactive themes until you’re only left with the active one:

Now, as mentioned earlier, you are not able to remove an active theme, because that will affect your live website.

For this reason, you will have to create a new theme, activate it, and only then you will be able to remove this one, which is going to be inactive once you activate the new theme.

3. Create and customize a new theme

In order to add a new theme, all you have to do is click on the “+Add New” button from the top right corner of the page:

We have a dedicated article and tutorial for that, so please check it out here if you need further instructions.

After adding a new theme, it will appear next to the active one:

Please note that adding a new theme will not impact your live website, unless you activate it.

4. Activate the new theme

In order to activate the new theme, hover over it and click on “Activate”:

Please be noted that this will change the aspect of your site, as it will inherit the default theme settings of the new theme.

Right away, you will be taken to the Site Wizard, so that you can begin the customization of the new theme.

5. Remove the old theme

Optionally, once you’ve finished customizing the new theme, you can come back to the “Themes” section of Thrive Theme Builder and remove the old one:

And you will only be left with your newly-created and customized theme.

For this method, you might want to consider creating a staging site first and trying it on that site, before actually changing your live website. We also recommend backing up your site periodically.

Contact our support team

In case none of the options above works for you, please open a support conversation and let them know that you want them to do a full reset on your Thrive Theme Builder theme, and they will be able to help you with that.

Don’t forget to check out all of the articles and tutorials from our knowledge base.

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