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Create a Homepage Template With a Sidebar in Thrive Theme Builder
Create a Homepage Template With a Sidebar in Thrive Theme Builder

This article will showcase how you create a homepage template with a sidebar in Thrive Theme Builder

Alexandra Rus avatar
Written by Alexandra Rus
Updated over a week ago

If you are wondering whether you can add a sidebar to your Thrive Theme Builder Homepage template, the answer is yes.

There are several easy steps you can take in order to display a sidebar on your Homepage template.

In order to do that, you first have to access your Thrive Theme Builder dashboard:

Then, when you access the "Templates" section from the left sidebar:

You will find the Active Homepage under the "Single Content Templates" types:

You can edit the currently existing template, or, if you want, you can create a new one from scratch and then make it your default homepage template.

Access the editor, in order to start customizing the template:

Click on the gear icon next to "Layout and Visibility", to open the full list of options:

This will trigger a list with all the additional template sections you can display. The "Sidebar" is hidden, and can be activated by clicking on the eye icon:

As soon as you do that, the sidebar will show up in your "Main Options" as well as on the template itself:

Now you can go ahead and customize it as you best see fit.

Here are some resources to help you learn more about the Thrive Theme Builder templates:

I hope this article about how to display a sidebar in your Homepage template was useful to you. Don't hesitate to rate it with a smile below if that was the case :)

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