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How to Use the Dynamic Links Feature in Thrive Architect
How to Use the Dynamic Links Feature in Thrive Architect

An article detailing how to use the Dynamic Links feature, for quickly linking elements to specific content from your website

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Written by Thrive Themes
Updated over a week ago

The dynamic links are useful if you want to quickly and easily link various elements, such as texts, images, icons to a specific part of your website, without having to type in the URL.

In other words, you can apply a dynamic link to an image, so that when clicked, it will automatically redirect the visitor to a page from your website, for example.

Similarly, you can apply a link to a "Text" element, and quickly display data from your WordPress user settings (such as the author’s name, publish date, and so on).

You can add dynamic links to “Text”, “Image”, “Button”, “Icon”, “Logo” elements, but also to more complex ones, such as the “Custom Menu” or the “Content Box”.

Let’s take each of them one by one and see which are the steps for applying dynamic links to them.

The “Text” element

In order to add a dynamic link to a text, you first have to add the text to the page using the “Text” element. Once the text is added, select the words you want to add the dynamic link to.

The inline formatting panel will appear, in the upper center part of the editor, with various options for the “Text” element. Here, you are able two use two different options to apply dynamic links to your text:

We will first go through the features available for the "Link" option, and later on, we will also go through the features available for the "Dynamic link" one.

Link Option

So firstly, click on the “Link” icon from the panel:

This will open a drop-down with three links that you can add: “Static”, “JumpLink” and “Dynamic”.

All of them are explained in this article, which you might find helpful if you want to learn more about this topic.

Since you want to add a dynamic link, click on the “Dynamic'' option:

You will next have to select the “Source”, from the first drop-down list:

When you open it, you will have several options to choose from:

  • Global Fields

If you select the “Global Fields” as your source, you will next be able to choose what information to pull in from the “Smart Site” settings from your Thrive Dashboard:

Let’s link, for example, the “Privacy Policy” page:

Next, decide how you want to open the link:

  • Open in new tab: check this option if you want the dynamic link to open in a new browser tab. If you leave this unchecked, the link will open in the same browser tab.

  • Nofollow: if this option is checked, it will tell search engine crawlers not to follow the link and not crawl the page you linked to. If you do not check this option, then the link will be crawled/indexed by the search engines, just as any other ‘no-follow' link.

Lastly, to make sure your link is applied, click on “Insert”:

Now, whenever this text is clicked it will redirect the visitor to the “Privacy Policy” page set by you:

Note: Before adding a “Global Field” here, make sure you set the respective field in the Thrive Dashboard, just as described in this article.

If you choose a “Global Field'' here that you have not previously set in your Thrive Dashboard yet, then the dynamic link will only load the same page that it is in, when someone will click on it.

Whenever you want to change the currently existing link, you simply have to make the necessary updates in your panel and then click on “Update”:

Similarly, if you want to delete the currently existing link, then click on “Remove”:

  • Site

Let’s see how you can use the “Site” field as your source:

If you select it, you will have the possibility to add a link to either the “Blog” page, the “RSS Feed”, or the “Login” or “Logout” pages of your website. For this example, I will link the WordPress “Login” page:

Now, whenever clicked, it will redirect to the WordPress “Login” page, where the visitors can log in if they have an account:

  • WooCommerce

Next, you can also use WooCommerce as your source:

You will notice that there are still several things you need to set up here, such as what action to be performed on click:

And also, depending on your selection, you will have to further configure this:

We have created separate articles for each of these options, which I highly recommend reading if you want to learn more about using WooCommerce as your source:

Depending on what you select here, you will be able to redirect the visitor to the WooCommerce cart, or account or shop page, just as shown in the below example:

  • Shortcode

Lastly, you can also link a “Shortcode” to the selected text:

After you make your selection, you’ll have to paste the shortcode in the following field:

This feature is mostly used if you have shortcodes from other plugins. So, for example, you might have a WooCommerce shortcode that performs the "Add to Cart" action.

If you are using it on a text, for example, then when someone clicks that text, the product for which you've set up this shortcode will be added to the cart.

Dynamic link

Besides the already explained “Link” options, there’s also the “Dynamic link” one that you can use here, and you can access it by clicking on the last icon of the inline formatting panel:

The difference between them is the fact that the first one attaches an URL to the text and the second one inserts data that was predefined somewhere else.

So, with your text selected, click on this option, and next, you’ll be able to select the source for your dynamic link:

There are several sources you can use here:

  • Content

If you select “Content” as your source:

Then, you’ll have the option of choosing between several others that you can display here. Let’ take, for example, the “Page title”:

As soon as I click on "Insert”, the selected text will turn into a dynamic link that displays the title of my page:

  • Global fields

The “Global Fields” option works exactly as already explained above, in the case of the “Link” option. You simply have to select it as your source, and then decide what information to pull in from your “Smart Site”:

  • User data

If you want to select the “User data” as your source:

Then, you can choose to display user information from your WordPress account. Let’s take, for example, the “WordPress user role”:

As soon as you click on “Insert”, the selected text will turn into a dynamic link that displays the “WordPress user role”, just as you’ve configured:

  • Request data

The “Request data” field will allow you to display data such as the “URL QueryString’, “Page variable” or “Cookie” data:

After you make your selection, there are two more fields you can fill in here:

For example, a situation in which the "URL QueryString" might come in handy, is when you are sending a link to users who are not logged into their WordPress account.

The link might be for a page in which you are addressing the users by their name. Since they are not logged in, the page will not dynamically pull in data from their WordPress account.

In this situation, you can use the "URL QueryString" to display the name on the page, even though the user is not logged in.

  • Source

The next field you can select here is the “Source” one:

From the next drop-down field you will be able to select the “Referring URL” option:

And this means that you can display the URL of the page you are currently working on:

  • Time & date

Lastly, you can set the “TIme & date” as your dynamic source:

And then pick from one of the available options:

Let’s display the time, for example:

And that's about it! This is how you can use the dynamic link feature on a “Text” element, from one of the two available options of the inline formatting panel:

The “Button” element

You can apply dynamic links to your “Button” element if you want. Adding a dynamic link to a button can be done using the left sidebar options.

While editing the page in Thrive Architect, simply click on the button that you want to add the dynamic link to. Then, look for the “Button Link” option from the “Main Options” of the left sidebar:

Here, click on the “Dynamic link” option:

This will open the same fields and options that are available when you are applying a dynamic link to a “Text” element. Thus, you can use these to add the dynamic link to the button the same way as described above in the case of the text:

If later on, you want to edit or remove a dynamic link from a button, just click on the “Button” element that contains the link and use the “Remove” or the “Update” options from the “Button Link” options:

Right at the end of this article, I've linked several 'use case scenario' tutorials that explain various situations in which you might use links with your "Button" element. Make sure to check those out as well if you want to learn more.

The “Image”, “Content Box”, “Logo” and “Icon” elements

The dynamic link feature can be used in the case of these four elements as well, from the same left sidebar list of options.

The only difference is that you will not have the linking options active by default, like in the case of the “Button” element, but instead, you will first have to activate the “Add link” option for these elements.

Let’s use the “Image” element for this example. After you select the image, you will see the “Add link to image” option in the left sidebar:

Activate the toggle and then, from the options that appear, select the "Dynamic link" option:

Now you will be able to use the same options as described previously in this tutorial:

For the remaining elements mentioned in this section, the "Content Box", Icon" and "Logo", you will see the “Add link to Content Box”, “Add link to Icon” and “Add link to Logo” options in the left sidebar. Simply select the element and then activate the toggle to start using this dynamic feature.

The “Custom Menu” items

If you have built a “Custom Menu” you will have the option to add a dynamic link to its items.

Note: The linking option for menu items will only be available in cases when you have built a custom menu from scratch, using “Custom Menu” as the menu source and not a WordPress menu.

The reason behind this is that if you use a WordPress menu as your menu source then that will come with the menu items having their own links brought along from WordPress, as they are part of a WordPress menu.

First off, click on the menu item you want to add the dynamic link to:

This will open the left sidebar options, with the selected menu item level displayed in the “Currently styling” section and with the linking option under the “Show Icon” section:

Click on the "Dynamic link" option and use the fields and options available to start configuring it:

In addition to this, you will also be able to use the dynamic sources available in the inline text formatting panel. Simply select the menu item for which you would like to apply a dynamic source:

Click on the last icon of the formatting panel, which will open the list of available dynamic sources:

And then select the source that you want, from the first drop-down list:

And proceed with selecting an option from the second drop-down list:

As soon as you do that, the text will change and display your selection (in this example, the WordPress username):

This way, you can create a fully customized menu item that displays different information depending on the user who is viewing the menu.

This is how quickly and easily you can add dynamic links to various elements in Thrive Architect.

We have several other tutorials in our knowledge base, that explain step-by-step how to apply various links and actions to your Thrive Architect elements. You will find them linked below if you want to learn more about how to do that:

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